# coding: utf-8
FINBOURNE Technology # noqa: E501
Contact: info@finbourne.com
Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
Do not edit the class manually.
from __future__ import annotations
import pprint
import re # noqa: F401
import json
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Field, StrictStr, conlist, constr
from lusid.models.link import Link
from lusid.models.relationship import Relationship
from lusid.models.resource_id import ResourceId
from lusid.models.version import Version
class PortfolioGroup(BaseModel):
href: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(None, description="The specific Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this resource at the requested effective and asAt datetime.")
id: ResourceId = Field(...)
display_name: constr(strict=True, min_length=1) = Field(..., alias="displayName", description="The name of the portfolio group.")
description: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(None, description="The long form description of the portfolio group.")
created: Optional[datetime] = Field(None, description="The effective datetime at which the portfolio group was created. No portfolios or sub groups can be added to the group before this date.")
portfolios: Optional[conlist(ResourceId)] = Field(None, description="The collection of resource identifiers for the portfolios contained in the portfolio group.")
sub_groups: Optional[conlist(ResourceId)] = Field(None, alias="subGroups", description="The collection of resource identifiers for the portfolio groups contained in the portfolio group as sub groups.")
relationships: Optional[conlist(Relationship)] = Field(None, description="A set of relationships associated to the portfolio group.")
version: Optional[Version] = None
links: Optional[conlist(Link)] = None
__properties = ["href", "id", "displayName", "description", "created", "portfolios", "subGroups", "relationships", "version", "links"]
class Config:
"""Pydantic configuration"""
allow_population_by_field_name = True
validate_assignment = True
def to_str(self) -> str:
"""Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
return pprint.pformat(self.dict(by_alias=True))
def to_json(self) -> str:
"""Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> PortfolioGroup:
"""Create an instance of PortfolioGroup from a JSON string"""
return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the dictionary representation of the model using alias"""
_dict = self.dict(by_alias=True,
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of id
if self.id:
_dict['id'] = self.id.to_dict()
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in portfolios (list)
_items = []
if self.portfolios:
for _item in self.portfolios:
if _item:
_dict['portfolios'] = _items
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in sub_groups (list)
_items = []
if self.sub_groups:
for _item in self.sub_groups:
if _item:
_dict['subGroups'] = _items
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in relationships (list)
_items = []
if self.relationships:
for _item in self.relationships:
if _item:
_dict['relationships'] = _items
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of version
if self.version:
_dict['version'] = self.version.to_dict()
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in links (list)
_items = []
if self.links:
for _item in self.links:
if _item:
_dict['links'] = _items
# set to None if href (nullable) is None
# and __fields_set__ contains the field
if self.href is None and "href" in self.__fields_set__:
_dict['href'] = None
# set to None if description (nullable) is None
# and __fields_set__ contains the field
if self.description is None and "description" in self.__fields_set__:
_dict['description'] = None
# set to None if portfolios (nullable) is None
# and __fields_set__ contains the field
if self.portfolios is None and "portfolios" in self.__fields_set__:
_dict['portfolios'] = None
# set to None if sub_groups (nullable) is None
# and __fields_set__ contains the field
if self.sub_groups is None and "sub_groups" in self.__fields_set__:
_dict['subGroups'] = None
# set to None if relationships (nullable) is None
# and __fields_set__ contains the field
if self.relationships is None and "relationships" in self.__fields_set__:
_dict['relationships'] = None
# set to None if links (nullable) is None
# and __fields_set__ contains the field
if self.links is None and "links" in self.__fields_set__:
_dict['links'] = None
return _dict
def from_dict(cls, obj: dict) -> PortfolioGroup:
"""Create an instance of PortfolioGroup from a dict"""
if obj is None:
return None
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
return PortfolioGroup.parse_obj(obj)
_obj = PortfolioGroup.parse_obj({
"href": obj.get("href"),
"id": ResourceId.from_dict(obj.get("id")) if obj.get("id") is not None else None,
"display_name": obj.get("displayName"),
"description": obj.get("description"),
"created": obj.get("created"),
"portfolios": [ResourceId.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("portfolios")] if obj.get("portfolios") is not None else None,
"sub_groups": [ResourceId.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("subGroups")] if obj.get("subGroups") is not None else None,
"relationships": [Relationship.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("relationships")] if obj.get("relationships") is not None else None,
"version": Version.from_dict(obj.get("version")) if obj.get("version") is not None else None,
"links": [Link.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("links")] if obj.get("links") is not None else None
return _obj