Source code for sdk.lusid.models.inline_valuation_request

# coding: utf-8


    FINBOURNE Technology  # noqa: E501

    Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

    Do not edit the class manually.

from __future__ import annotations
import pprint
import re  # noqa: F401
import json

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr, conlist, constr
from lusid.models.aggregate_spec import AggregateSpec
from lusid.models.market_data_overrides import MarketDataOverrides
from lusid.models.order_by_spec import OrderBySpec
from lusid.models.property_filter import PropertyFilter
from lusid.models.resource_id import ResourceId
from lusid.models.valuation_schedule import ValuationSchedule
from lusid.models.weighted_instrument import WeightedInstrument

[docs] class InlineValuationRequest(BaseModel): """ Specification object for the parameters of an inline valuation # noqa: E501 """ recipe_id: Optional[ResourceId] = Field(None, alias="recipeId") as_at: Optional[datetime] = Field(None, alias="asAt", description="The asAt date to use") metrics: conlist(AggregateSpec) = Field(..., description="The set of specifications to calculate or retrieve during the valuation and present in the results. For example: AggregateSpec('Valuation/PV','Sum') for returning the PV (present value) of holdings AggregateSpec('Holding/default/Units','Sum') for returning the units of holidays AggregateSpec('Instrument/default/LusidInstrumentId','Value') for returning the Lusid Instrument identifier") group_by: Optional[conlist(StrictStr)] = Field(None, alias="groupBy", description="The set of items by which to perform grouping. This primarily matters when one or more of the metric operators is a mapping that reduces set size, e.g. sum or proportion. The group-by statement determines the set of keys by which to break the results out.") filters: Optional[conlist(PropertyFilter)] = Field(None, description="A set of filters to use to reduce the data found in a request. Equivalent to the 'where ...' part of a Sql select statement. For example, filter a set of values within a given range or matching a particular value.") sort: Optional[conlist(OrderBySpec)] = Field(None, description="A (possibly empty/null) set of specifications for how to order the results.") report_currency: Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=3, min_length=0)] = Field(None, alias="reportCurrency", description="Three letter ISO currency string indicating what currency to report in for ReportCurrency denominated queries. If not present, then the currency of the relevant portfolio will be used in its place.") equip_with_subtotals: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(None, alias="equipWithSubtotals", description="Flag directing the Valuation call to populate the results with subtotals of aggregates.") return_result_as_expanded_types: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(None, alias="returnResultAsExpandedTypes", description="Financially meaningful results can be presented as either simple flat types or more complex expanded types. For example, the present value (PV) of a holding could be represented either as a simple decimal (with currency implied) or as a decimal-currency pair. This flag allows either representation to be returned. In the PV example, the returned value would be the decimal-currency pair if this flag is true, or the decimal only if this flag is false.") valuation_schedule: Optional[ValuationSchedule] = Field(None, alias="valuationSchedule") instruments: conlist(WeightedInstrument) = Field(..., description="The set of instruments, weighted by the quantities held that are required. It is identified by an identifier tag that can be used to identify it externally. For a single, unique trade or transaction this can be thought of as equivalent to the transaction identifier, or a composite of the sub-holding keys for a regular sub-holding. When there are multiple transactions sharing the same underlying instrument such as purchase of shares on multiple dates where tax implications are different this would not be the case.") market_data_overrides: Optional[MarketDataOverrides] = Field(None, alias="marketDataOverrides") corporate_action_source_id: Optional[ResourceId] = Field(None, alias="corporateActionSourceId") __properties = ["recipeId", "asAt", "metrics", "groupBy", "filters", "sort", "reportCurrency", "equipWithSubtotals", "returnResultAsExpandedTypes", "valuationSchedule", "instruments", "marketDataOverrides", "corporateActionSourceId"]
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic configuration""" allow_population_by_field_name = True validate_assignment = True
[docs] def to_str(self) -> str: """Returns the string representation of the model using alias""" return pprint.pformat(self.dict(by_alias=True))
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> InlineValuationRequest: """Create an instance of InlineValuationRequest from a JSON string""" return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Returns the dictionary representation of the model using alias""" _dict = self.dict(by_alias=True, exclude={ }, exclude_none=True) # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of recipe_id if self.recipe_id: _dict['recipeId'] = self.recipe_id.to_dict() # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in metrics (list) _items = [] if self.metrics: for _item in self.metrics: if _item: _items.append(_item.to_dict()) _dict['metrics'] = _items # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in filters (list) _items = [] if self.filters: for _item in self.filters: if _item: _items.append(_item.to_dict()) _dict['filters'] = _items # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in sort (list) _items = [] if self.sort: for _item in self.sort: if _item: _items.append(_item.to_dict()) _dict['sort'] = _items # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of valuation_schedule if self.valuation_schedule: _dict['valuationSchedule'] = self.valuation_schedule.to_dict() # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in instruments (list) _items = [] if self.instruments: for _item in self.instruments: if _item: _items.append(_item.to_dict()) _dict['instruments'] = _items # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of market_data_overrides if self.market_data_overrides: _dict['marketDataOverrides'] = self.market_data_overrides.to_dict() # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of corporate_action_source_id if self.corporate_action_source_id: _dict['corporateActionSourceId'] = self.corporate_action_source_id.to_dict() # set to None if as_at (nullable) is None # and __fields_set__ contains the field if self.as_at is None and "as_at" in self.__fields_set__: _dict['asAt'] = None # set to None if group_by (nullable) is None # and __fields_set__ contains the field if self.group_by is None and "group_by" in self.__fields_set__: _dict['groupBy'] = None # set to None if filters (nullable) is None # and __fields_set__ contains the field if self.filters is None and "filters" in self.__fields_set__: _dict['filters'] = None # set to None if sort (nullable) is None # and __fields_set__ contains the field if self.sort is None and "sort" in self.__fields_set__: _dict['sort'] = None # set to None if report_currency (nullable) is None # and __fields_set__ contains the field if self.report_currency is None and "report_currency" in self.__fields_set__: _dict['reportCurrency'] = None return _dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, obj: dict) -> InlineValuationRequest: """Create an instance of InlineValuationRequest from a dict""" if obj is None: return None if not isinstance(obj, dict): return InlineValuationRequest.parse_obj(obj) _obj = InlineValuationRequest.parse_obj({ "recipe_id": ResourceId.from_dict(obj.get("recipeId")) if obj.get("recipeId") is not None else None, "as_at": obj.get("asAt"), "metrics": [AggregateSpec.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("metrics")] if obj.get("metrics") is not None else None, "group_by": obj.get("groupBy"), "filters": [PropertyFilter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("filters")] if obj.get("filters") is not None else None, "sort": [OrderBySpec.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("sort")] if obj.get("sort") is not None else None, "report_currency": obj.get("reportCurrency"), "equip_with_subtotals": obj.get("equipWithSubtotals"), "return_result_as_expanded_types": obj.get("returnResultAsExpandedTypes"), "valuation_schedule": ValuationSchedule.from_dict(obj.get("valuationSchedule")) if obj.get("valuationSchedule") is not None else None, "instruments": [WeightedInstrument.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj.get("instruments")] if obj.get("instruments") is not None else None, "market_data_overrides": MarketDataOverrides.from_dict(obj.get("marketDataOverrides")) if obj.get("marketDataOverrides") is not None else None, "corporate_action_source_id": ResourceId.from_dict(obj.get("corporateActionSourceId")) if obj.get("corporateActionSourceId") is not None else None }) return _obj