Source code for sdk.lusid.extensions.refreshing_token

import requests
import base64
import threading
import time

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from collections import UserString
from urllib.parse import quote
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RefreshingToken(UserString): def __init__( self, api_configuration, expiry_offset=60, id_provider_response_handler=None ): """ Implementation of UserString that will automatically refresh the token value upon expiry :param ApiConfiguration api_configuration: The api configuration with all required values :param int expiry_offset: number of seconds before token expiry to refresh the token :param callable id_provider_response_handler: A handler taking the Requests.Response from the identity provider before it is consumed by the RefreshingToken, mutation of the Response is possible with this handler """ self.token_data = {"expires": None, "access_token": None, "refresh_token": None} self.expiry_offset = expiry_offset try: self.password = api_configuration.password self.client_id = api_configuration.client_id self.client_secret = api_configuration.client_secret self.username = api_configuration.username self.token_url = api_configuration.token_url self.proxy_config = api_configuration.proxy_config self.certificate_filename = api_configuration.certificate_filename except AttributeError: logger.debug("Could not access ApiConfig attribute - ensure api_config is an ApiConfiguration object") self._validate_oauth_params() self.id_provider_response_handler = id_provider_response_handler self.refresh_func = self.get_refresh_token self.lock = threading.Lock() self.retry_count = 0 self.retry_limit = 5 self.backoff_base = 2 def _validate_oauth_params(self): if self.password is None: raise ValueError("Password is None. This value must be set for Oauth") if self.client_id is None: raise ValueError("Client Id is None. This value must be set for Oauth") if self.client_secret is None: raise ValueError("Client Secret is None. This value must be set for Oauth") if self.username is None: raise ValueError("Username is None. This value must be set for Oauth") if self.token_url is None: raise ValueError("Token Url is None. This value must be set for Oauth")
[docs] def update_token_data(self, id_provider_json): """ Updates the token data from a response from the identity provider :param id_provider_json: The JSON to use to update the token data """ self.token_data["access_token"] = id_provider_json["access_token"] # Set the expiry just before the actual expiry to ensure no failed requests delta = timedelta( seconds=id_provider_json.get("expires_in", 3600) - self.expiry_offset ) self.token_data["expires"] = datetime.utcnow() + delta self.token_data["refresh_token"] = id_provider_json["refresh_token"]
[docs] def get_access_token(self): """ Retrieves an access token from the identity provider using the credentials in the provided configuration :return: The retrieved access token """ # the safe parameter is to ensure that the / character is also encoded encoded_password = quote(self.password, safe="") encoded_client_id = quote(self.client_id, safe="") encoded_client_secret = quote(self.client_secret, safe="") # Prepare our authentication request token_request_body = ( f"grant_type=password&username={self.username}" f"&password={encoded_password}&scope=openid client groups offline_access" f"&client_id={encoded_client_id}&client_secret={encoded_client_secret}" ) headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", } # extra request args kwargs = {"headers": headers} if self.proxy_config is not None: kwargs["proxies"] = self.proxy_config.format_proxy_schema() # use certificate if supplied if self.certificate_filename is not None: kwargs["verify"] = self.certificate_filename # make request to Okta to get an authentication token id_provider_response = self.token_url, data=token_request_body, **kwargs ) if self.id_provider_response_handler is not None: self.id_provider_response_handler(id_provider_response) # Ensure that we have a 200 response code if id_provider_response.status_code == 429: self._handle_retry(id_provider_response) return self.get_access_token() elif id_provider_response.status_code != 200: raise ValueError(id_provider_response.json()) self.retry_count = 0 # convert the json encoded response to be able to extract the token values id_provider_json = id_provider_response.json() self.update_token_data(id_provider_json) return self.token_data["access_token"]
[docs] def get_refresh_token(self): """ Retrieves an access token from the identity provider using the refresh token :return: The retrieved access token """ # If any data is missing to use a refresh token e.g. on first try, get an access token using credentials if ( self.token_data["access_token"] is None or self.token_data["expires"] is None or self.token_data["refresh_token"] is None ): return self.get_access_token() # check if the token has expired and refresh if needed if self.token_data["expires"] <= datetime.utcnow(): encoded_client = base64.b64encode( bytes(f"{self.client_id}:{self.client_secret}", "utf-8") ) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization": f"Basic {encoded_client.decode('utf-8')}", } request_body = f"grant_type=refresh_token&scope=openid client groups offline_access&refresh_token={self.token_data['refresh_token']}" # request parameters kwargs = {"headers": headers} if self.proxy_config is not None: kwargs["proxies"] = self.proxy_config.format_proxy_schema() if self.certificate_filename is not None: kwargs["verify"] = self.certificate_filename id_provider_response = self.token_url, data=request_body, **kwargs ) if self.id_provider_response_handler is not None: self.id_provider_response_handler(id_provider_response) # Refresh token may be expired, if so, get new request token if ( id_provider_response.status_code == 400 and "refresh token is invalid or expired" in id_provider_response.json()["error_description"] ): return self.get_access_token() elif id_provider_response.status_code == 429: self._handle_retry(id_provider_response) return self.get_refresh_token() elif id_provider_response.status_code != 200: raise ValueError(id_provider_response.json()) self.retry_count = 0 id_provider_json = id_provider_response.json() self.update_token_data(id_provider_json) return self.token_data["access_token"]
def _handle_retry(self, id_provider_response): """ Determines how to handle retrying in the event of a failed response. Currently uses the HTTP "Retry-After" header to determine how long to wait before retrying. If this header is not present defaults to a simple exponential back-off strategy. If the identity provider that you are interacting with does not provide a "Retry-After" header but does provide other custom headers, you can pass an id_provider_response_handler to the RefreshingToken which constructs the "Retry-After" header from the custom headers. :param requests.Response id_provider_response: The response from the identity provider """ if self.retry_count >= self.retry_limit: raise ValueError( f"Max retry limit of {self.retry_limit} reached with response of {id_provider_response.json()}" ) self.retry_count += 1 if "Retry-After" in id_provider_response.headers: retry_value = id_provider_response.headers.get("Retry-After") # Can be a delay in seconds or http date ( try: wait_time = int(retry_value) except ValueError: # http date always in GMT wait_time = int( datetime.strptime( retry_value, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" ).timestamp() - datetime.utcnow().timestamp() ) if wait_time <= 0: # Won't wait for a negative period return time.sleep(wait_time) return # If no "Retry-After" header implement a simple exponential back-off time.sleep(self._calculate_backoff(self.backoff_base, self.retry_count)) @staticmethod def _calculate_backoff(backoff_base, retries): """ Calculates the time to wait before retrying :param int retries: The number of retries attempted so far :param int backoff_base: The base to use for calculating the backoff :return: int: The number of seconds to wait """ return backoff_base**retries def __getattribute__(self, item): # return the value of the string if item == "data": self.lock.acquire() # check if the token has expired and go through the refresh token logic if it has token = object.__getattribute__(self, "refresh_func")() self.lock.release() return token # get the class attribute to be string class instead of the RefreshingToken class itself, used for UserString # base methods such as string concatenation, if this is missing the whole RefreshingToken class gets created # again with the concatenated string as the input, with this it creates a string instead if item == "__class__": return str # used to get .self attributes on the RefreshingToken return object.__getattribute__(self, item)