Source code for sdk.lusid.extensions.configuration_loaders

import json
import os
from typing import Dict, TextIO, Protocol, Union, Iterable
import logging
from lusid.extensions.proxy_config import ProxyConfig
from lusid.extensions.api_configuration import ApiConfiguration

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "token_url": "FBN_TOKEN_URL",
    "api_url": "FBN_LUSID_API_URL",
    "username": "FBN_USERNAME",
    "password": "FBN_PASSWORD",
    "client_id": "FBN_CLIENT_ID",
    "client_secret": "FBN_CLIENT_SECRET",
    "app_name": "FBN_APP_NAME",
    "certificate_filename": "FBN_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE",
    "proxy_address": "FBN_PROXY_ADDRESS",
    "proxy_username": "FBN_PROXY_USERNAME",
    "proxy_password": "FBN_PROXY_PASSWORD",
    "access_token": "FBN_ACCESS_TOKEN"

    "token_url": "tokenUrl",
    "api_url": "lusidUrl",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password",
    "client_id": "clientId",
    "client_secret": "clientSecret",
    "app_name": "applicationName",
    "certificate_filename": "clientCertificate",
    "proxy_address": "address",
    "proxy_username": "username",
    "proxy_password": "password",
    "access_token": "accessToken"

[docs] class ConfigurationLoader(Protocol): """ The ApiConfigurationLoader is responsible for populating the API and Proxy configuration from a secrets file or environment variables with preference given to the secrets file. """ def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, str]: pass
[docs] class SecretsFileConfigurationLoader: """Configuration Loader for reading secrets from a json secrets file """ def __init__( self, api_secrets_file: Union[TextIO, str] ): """Create SecretsFileConfigurationLoader Parameters ---------- api_secrets_file : Union[TextIO, str] File to load secrets from """ self._api_secrets_file = api_secrets_file or ""
[docs] def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """reads config from the provided secrets file Returns ------- Dict[str, str] dictionary that can be loaded into an ApiConfiguration object """ # The secrets file is a nested dictionary, set the names of the top level keys logger.debug(f"loading config from secrets file: {self._api_secrets_file}") api_config_key = "api" proxy_config_key = "proxy" try: try: config = json.load(self._api_secrets_file) except AttributeError: with open(self._api_secrets_file) as api_secrets_file: config = json.load(api_secrets_file) except OSError: logger.warning(f"Unable to open secrets file {self._api_secrets_file}") return {} except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.warning("unable to deserialise contents of secrets file to json") return {} api_config_section = config.get(api_config_key, {}) populated_api_config_values = { key: api_config_section.get(value) for key, value in SECRETS_FILE_CONFIG_KEYS.items() if "proxy" not in key } proxy_config_section = config.get(proxy_config_key, {}) populated_proxy_values = { key: proxy_config_section.get(value) for key, value in SECRETS_FILE_CONFIG_KEYS.items() if "proxy" in key } populated_config_dict = { **populated_api_config_values, **populated_proxy_values, } return populated_config_dict
[docs] class EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationLoader: """ConfigurationLoader which reads config from environment variables """
[docs] def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """reads config from environment variables Returns ------- Dict[str, str] dictionary that can be loaded into an ApiConfiguration object """ logger.debug("loading config from environment variables") populated_api_config_values = { key: os.environ.get(value) for key, value in ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_KEYS.items() if "proxy" not in key } populated_proxy_values = { key: os.environ.get(value) for key, value in ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_KEYS.items() if "proxy" in key } populated_config_dict = { **populated_api_config_values, **populated_proxy_values, } return populated_config_dict
[docs] class ArgsConfigurationLoader: """ConfigurationLoader which loads in config from kwargs in constructor """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """kwargs passed to this constructor used to build ApiConfiguration """ self._kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """load configuration from kwargs passed to constructor Returns ------- Dict[str, str] dictionary that can be loaded into an ApiConfiguration object """ logger.debug("loading config from arguments passed to ArgsConfigurationLoader") keys = ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_KEYS.keys() return {key: self._kwargs.get(key) for key in keys}
default_config_loaders = ( EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationLoader(), SecretsFileConfigurationLoader(api_secrets_file="secrets.json"), )
[docs] def get_api_configuration(config_loaders: Iterable[ConfigurationLoader]) -> ApiConfiguration: """Read configuration from config loaders. Update config with values from each loader in order (last write wins). Parameters ---------- config_loaders : Iterable[ConfigurationLoader] Objects that can be used to fetch config with a load_config function returning a dict. Returns ------- ApiConfiguration Configuration that can be passed to an ApiClient, RefreshingToken, etc. """ config = {} for config_loader in config_loaders: loaded_config = { key: value for key, value in config_loader.load_config().items() if value is not None } config.update(loaded_config) proxy_address = config.pop("proxy_address", None) proxy_username = config.pop("proxy_username", None) proxy_password = config.pop("proxy_password", None) # If the proxy address is missing ensure that no proxy is used in the ApiConfiguration if proxy_address is not None: config["proxy_config"] = ProxyConfig( address=proxy_address, username=proxy_username, password=proxy_password ) else: config["proxy_config"] = None # Create and return the ApiConfiguration return ApiConfiguration(**config)