Source code for sdk.lusid.extensions.api_client_factory

from __future__ import annotations
from lusid.api_client import ApiClient
from lusid.extensions.retry import (
from lusid.extensions.api_client import SyncApiClient
from lusid.extensions.configuration_loaders import (
from lusid.extensions.socket_keep_alive import keep_alive_socket_options
from lusid.extensions.tcp_keep_alive_connector import (
from aiohttp import ClientSession
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Type, Iterable, Union
import os
from requests import Response

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] def set_additional_api_client_headers( api_client: Union[ApiClient, SyncApiClient], app_name: Optional[str] = None, correlation_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Sets additional headers for additional debugging info in LUSID Parameters ---------- api_client : Union[ApiClient, SyncApiClient] api client to set headers on app_name : Optional[str], optional name of the application in LUSID, by default None correlation_id : Optional[str], optional correlation id to track requests in LUSID, by default None """ try: # set the application name if specified if app_name is not None: api_client.set_default_header("X-LUSID-Application", app_name) # set a correlation id for all requests initiated with this ApiClient corr_id = correlation_id or os.getenv("FBN_CORRELATION_ID") if corr_id is not None: api_client.set_default_header("CorrelationId", corr_id) except AttributeError: logger.exception("api_client must be either an ApiClient or a SyncApiClient") raise
[docs] class SyncApiClientFactory: def __init__( self, config_loaders: Iterable[ConfigurationLoader] = default_config_loaders, id_provider_response_handler: Callable[[Response], None] = None, tcp_keep_alive: bool = True, socket_options: Optional[ Union[Tuple[Any, Any, Any], Tuple[Any, Any, None, int]] ] = keep_alive_socket_options(), correlation_id: Optional[str] = None, app_name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create an ApiClientFactory which can build api objects with a configured ApiClient object Parameters ---------- config_loaders : Iterable[ConfigurationLoader], optional An Iterable of ConfigurationLoaders we can load configuration from. Config settings are updated by each loader (last write wins), by default default_config_loaders, by default default_config_loaders id_provider_response_handler : Callable[[Response], None], optional A function that is called when a response is received from the token_url, by default None tcp_keep_alive : bool, optional Should ApiClient be configured to send tcp keep alives, by default True socket_options : Optional[ Union[Tuple[Any, Any, Any], Tuple[Any, Any, None, int]] ], optional Set of socket options that should be applied to each connection, by default keep_alive_socket_options correlation_id : Optional[str], optional A correlation ID that can be sent with each request, by default None app_name : Optional[str], optional The name of the application in LUSID, by default None """ api_config = get_api_configuration(config_loaders=config_loaders) api_client_config = api_config.build_api_client_config( tcp_keep_alive=tcp_keep_alive, socket_options=socket_options, id_provider_response_handler=id_provider_response_handler ) self.__api_client = SyncApiClient( configuration=api_client_config, ) rest_client_wrapper = RetryingRestWrapper rc = self.__api_client.rest_client if tcp_keep_alive: rc.pool_manager.pool_classes_by_scheme = {"http": TCPKeepAliveHTTPConnectionPool, "https": TCPKeepAliveHTTPSConnectionPool} wrapped_rest_client = rest_client_wrapper(rc) self.__api_client.rest_client = wrapped_rest_client set_additional_api_client_headers( self.__api_client, app_name=app_name, correlation_id=correlation_id ) def __enter__(self): self.__api_client.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.__api_client.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def build( self, metaclass: Type[T], ) -> T: """Returns an instance of the api metaclass with a configured ApiClient Parameters ---------- metaclass : Type[T] A lusid.api class. Returns ------- T An instance of the lusid.api class with a configured ApiClient """ return metaclass(self.__api_client)
[docs] class ApiClientFactory: def __init__( self, config_loaders: Iterable[ConfigurationLoader] = default_config_loaders, id_provider_response_handler: Callable[[Response], None] = None, tcp_keep_alive: bool = True, socket_options: Optional[ Union[Tuple[Any, Any, Any], Tuple[Any, Any, None, int]] ] = keep_alive_socket_options(), correlation_id: Optional[str] = None, app_name: Optional[str] = None, client_session: Optional[ClientSession] = None, trace_configs: Optional[List[TraceConfig]] = None ): """Create an ApiClientFactory which can build api objects with a configured ApiClient object Parameters ---------- config_loaders : Iterable[ConfigurationLoader], optional An Iterable of ConfigurationLoaders we can load configuration from. Config settings are updated by each loader (last write wins), by default default_config_loaders id_provider_response_handler : Callable[[Response], None], optional A function that is called when a response is received from the token_url, by default None tcp_keep_alive : bool, optional Should ApiClient be configured to send tcp keep alives, by default True socket_options : Optional[ Union[Tuple[Any, Any, Any], Tuple[Any, Any, None, int]] ], optional Set of socket options that should be applied to each connection, by default keep_alive_socket_options correlation_id : Optional[str], optional A correlation ID that can be sent with each request, by default None app_name : Optional[str], optional The name of the application in LUSID, by default None client_session : Optional[ClientSession], optional An aiohttp.ClientSession, pass this to re-use connections across different ApiFactories, by default None trace_configs: Optional[List[TraceConfig]], optional A list of aiohttp TraceConfigs, used to set up request tracing. by default None """ is_owner = True api_config = get_api_configuration(config_loaders=config_loaders) api_client_config = api_config.build_api_client_config( tcp_keep_alive=tcp_keep_alive, socket_options=socket_options, id_provider_response_handler=id_provider_response_handler ) self.__api_client = ApiClient( configuration=api_client_config, ) rc = self.__api_client.rest_client try: if client_session is not None: connector = client_session.connector is_owner = False # by default take explicitly passed trace_config param # otherwise copy from session. trace_configs = trace_configs or client_session.trace_configs else: connector = rc.pool_manager.connector if tcp_keep_alive: connector = TcpKeepAliveConnector(connector=connector, socket_options=socket_options) # dereference connector so existing session closes correctly rc.pool_manager._connector = None rc.pool_manager = ClientSession( connector=connector, trust_env=True, trace_configs=trace_configs, connector_owner=is_owner ) except AttributeError: logger.exception("client_session must be an aiohttp.ClientSession" " object with an initialised TCP Connector") rest_client_wrapper = RetryingRestWrapperAsync wrapped_rest_client = rest_client_wrapper(rc) self.__api_client.rest_client = wrapped_rest_client set_additional_api_client_headers( self.__api_client, app_name=app_name, correlation_id=correlation_id ) async def __aenter__(self): await self.__api_client.__aenter__() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): await self.__api_client.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def build( self, metaclass: Type[T], ) -> T: """Returns an instance of the api metaclass with a configured ApiClient Parameters ---------- metaclass : Type[T] A lusid.api class. Returns ------- T An instance of the lusid.api class with a configured ApiClient """ return metaclass(self.__api_client)