# coding: utf-8
FINBOURNE Technology # noqa: E501
Contact: info@finbourne.com
Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
Do not edit the class manually.
import re # noqa: F401
import io
import warnings
from pydantic.v1 import validate_arguments, ValidationError
from typing import overload, Optional, Union, Awaitable
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from datetime import datetime
from pydantic.v1 import Field, StrictStr, conint, conlist, constr, validator
from typing import Optional
from lusid.models.custom_entity_entity import CustomEntityEntity
from lusid.models.data_type_entity import DataTypeEntity
from lusid.models.instrument_entity import InstrumentEntity
from lusid.models.portfolio_entity import PortfolioEntity
from lusid.models.property_definition_entity import PropertyDefinitionEntity
from lusid.models.resource_list_of_change import ResourceListOfChange
from lusid.models.resource_list_of_change_interval import ResourceListOfChangeInterval
from lusid.api_client import ApiClient
from lusid.api_response import ApiResponse
from lusid.exceptions import ( # noqa: F401
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
class EntitiesApi:
"""NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
Do not edit the class manually.
def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
if api_client is None:
api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
self.api_client = api_client
async def get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the Custom Entity.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to returning the latest version of the Custom Entity if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> CustomEntityEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the Custom Entity.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to returning the latest version of the Custom Entity if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> CustomEntityEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the Custom Entity.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to returning the latest version of the Custom Entity if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[CustomEntityEntity, Awaitable[CustomEntityEntity]]: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustomEntityByEntityUniqueId: Get a Custom Entity instance by its EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve a particular Custom Entity instance. If the Custom Entity is deleted, this will return the state of the Custom Entity immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the Custom Entity. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to returning the latest version of the Custom Entity if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: CustomEntityEntity
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the Custom Entity.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to returning the latest version of the Custom Entity if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetCustomEntityByEntityUniqueId: Get a Custom Entity instance by its EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve a particular Custom Entity instance. If the Custom Entity is deleted, this will return the state of the Custom Entity immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the Custom Entity. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Custom Entity. Defaults to returning the latest version of the Custom Entity if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(CustomEntityEntity, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_custom_entity_by_entity_unique_id" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
if _params['entity_unique_id']:
_path_params['entityUniqueId'] = _params['entity_unique_id']
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('effective_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('effectiveAt', _params['effective_at']))
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
if _params.get('previews') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('previews', _params['previews']))
_collection_formats['previews'] = 'multi'
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'200': "CustomEntityEntity",
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/customentities/{entityUniqueId}', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),
async def get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the DataType definition.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the DataType definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the DataType definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> DataTypeEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the DataType definition.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the DataType definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the DataType definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> DataTypeEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the DataType definition.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the DataType definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the DataType definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[DataTypeEntity, Awaitable[DataTypeEntity]]: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataTypeByEntityUniqueId: Get DataType by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve the definition of a particular DataType. If the DataType is deleted, this will return the state of the DataType immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id(entity_unique_id, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the DataType definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the DataType definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the DataType definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: DataTypeEntity
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, as_at, previews, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the DataType definition.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the DataType definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the DataType definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetDataTypeByEntityUniqueId: Get DataType by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve the definition of a particular DataType. If the DataType is deleted, this will return the state of the DataType immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the DataType definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the DataType definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the DataType definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(DataTypeEntity, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_data_type_by_entity_unique_id" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
if _params['entity_unique_id']:
_path_params['entityUniqueId'] = _params['entity_unique_id']
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
if _params.get('previews') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('previews', _params['previews']))
_collection_formats['previews'] = 'multi'
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'200': "DataTypeEntity",
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/datatypes/{entityUniqueId}', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),
async def get_entity_history(self, entity_type : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The type of the entity to list the change history for.")], entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the entity.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to list change history information. Defaults to return the change history at the latest datetime if not specified.")] = None, page : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=500, min_length=1)], Field(description="The pagination token to use to continue listing change history information from a previous call to list change history information. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the filter, sortBy and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.")] = None, limit : Annotated[Optional[conint(strict=True, le=5000, ge=1)], Field(description="When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. Defaults to 100 if not specified.")] = None, filter : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=16384, min_length=0)], Field(description="Expression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here https://support.lusid.com/filtering-results-from-lusid.")] = None, sort_by : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="A list of field names suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"")] = None, **kwargs) -> ResourceListOfChangeInterval: # noqa: E501
def get_entity_history(self, entity_type : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The type of the entity to list the change history for.")], entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the entity.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to list change history information. Defaults to return the change history at the latest datetime if not specified.")] = None, page : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=500, min_length=1)], Field(description="The pagination token to use to continue listing change history information from a previous call to list change history information. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the filter, sortBy and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.")] = None, limit : Annotated[Optional[conint(strict=True, le=5000, ge=1)], Field(description="When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. Defaults to 100 if not specified.")] = None, filter : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=16384, min_length=0)], Field(description="Expression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here https://support.lusid.com/filtering-results-from-lusid.")] = None, sort_by : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="A list of field names suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> ResourceListOfChangeInterval: # noqa: E501
def get_entity_history(self, entity_type : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The type of the entity to list the change history for.")], entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the entity.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to list change history information. Defaults to return the change history at the latest datetime if not specified.")] = None, page : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=500, min_length=1)], Field(description="The pagination token to use to continue listing change history information from a previous call to list change history information. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the filter, sortBy and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.")] = None, limit : Annotated[Optional[conint(strict=True, le=5000, ge=1)], Field(description="When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. Defaults to 100 if not specified.")] = None, filter : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=16384, min_length=0)], Field(description="Expression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here https://support.lusid.com/filtering-results-from-lusid.")] = None, sort_by : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="A list of field names suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[ResourceListOfChangeInterval, Awaitable[ResourceListOfChangeInterval]]: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetEntityHistory: List an entity's history information # noqa: E501
Retrieve a page of an entity's change history up to a particular point in AsAt time. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_entity_history(entity_type, entity_unique_id, as_at, page, limit, filter, sort_by, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_type: The type of the entity to list the change history for. (required)
:type entity_type: str
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the entity. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to list change history information. Defaults to return the change history at the latest datetime if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param page: The pagination token to use to continue listing change history information from a previous call to list change history information. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the filter, sortBy and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.
:type page: str
:param limit: When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. Defaults to 100 if not specified.
:type limit: int
:param filter: Expression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here https://support.lusid.com/filtering-results-from-lusid.
:type filter: str
:param sort_by: A list of field names suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"
:type sort_by: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: ResourceListOfChangeInterval
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_entity_history_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_entity_history_with_http_info(entity_type, entity_unique_id, as_at, page, limit, filter, sort_by, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_entity_history_with_http_info(self, entity_type : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The type of the entity to list the change history for.")], entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the entity.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to list change history information. Defaults to return the change history at the latest datetime if not specified.")] = None, page : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=500, min_length=1)], Field(description="The pagination token to use to continue listing change history information from a previous call to list change history information. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the filter, sortBy and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.")] = None, limit : Annotated[Optional[conint(strict=True, le=5000, ge=1)], Field(description="When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. Defaults to 100 if not specified.")] = None, filter : Annotated[Optional[constr(strict=True, max_length=16384, min_length=0)], Field(description="Expression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here https://support.lusid.com/filtering-results-from-lusid.")] = None, sort_by : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="A list of field names suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetEntityHistory: List an entity's history information # noqa: E501
Retrieve a page of an entity's change history up to a particular point in AsAt time. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_entity_history_with_http_info(entity_type, entity_unique_id, as_at, page, limit, filter, sort_by, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_type: The type of the entity to list the change history for. (required)
:type entity_type: str
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the entity. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to list change history information. Defaults to return the change history at the latest datetime if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param page: The pagination token to use to continue listing change history information from a previous call to list change history information. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the filter, sortBy and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request.
:type page: str
:param limit: When paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. Defaults to 100 if not specified.
:type limit: int
:param filter: Expression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here https://support.lusid.com/filtering-results-from-lusid.
:type filter: str
:param sort_by: A list of field names suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\"
:type sort_by: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(ResourceListOfChangeInterval, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_entity_history" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
if _params['entity_type']:
_path_params['entityType'] = _params['entity_type']
if _params['entity_unique_id']:
_path_params['entityUniqueId'] = _params['entity_unique_id']
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
if _params.get('page') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('page', _params['page']))
if _params.get('limit') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('limit', _params['limit']))
if _params.get('filter') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('filter', _params['filter']))
if _params.get('sort_by') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('sortBy', _params['sort_by']))
_collection_formats['sortBy'] = 'multi'
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'200': "ResourceListOfChangeInterval",
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/{entityType}/{entityUniqueId}/history', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),
async def get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the instrument definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Instrument definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the instrument definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the instrument definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> InstrumentEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the instrument definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Instrument definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the instrument definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the instrument definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> InstrumentEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the instrument definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Instrument definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the instrument definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the instrument definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[InstrumentEntity, Awaitable[InstrumentEntity]]: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentByEntityUniqueId: Get instrument by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve the definition of a particular instrument. If the instrument is deleted, this will return the state of the instrument immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the instrument definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Instrument definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the instrument definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the instrument definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: InstrumentEntity
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the instrument definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Instrument definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the instrument definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the instrument definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstrumentByEntityUniqueId: Get instrument by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve the definition of a particular instrument. If the instrument is deleted, this will return the state of the instrument immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the instrument definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the Instrument definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the instrument definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the instrument definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(InstrumentEntity, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_instrument_by_entity_unique_id" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
if _params['entity_unique_id']:
_path_params['entityUniqueId'] = _params['entity_unique_id']
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('effective_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('effectiveAt', _params['effective_at']))
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
if _params.get('previews') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('previews', _params['previews']))
_collection_formats['previews'] = 'multi'
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'200': "InstrumentEntity",
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/instruments/{entityUniqueId}', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),
async def get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the portfolio definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the portfolio definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> PortfolioEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the portfolio definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the portfolio definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> PortfolioEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the portfolio definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the portfolio definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[PortfolioEntity, Awaitable[PortfolioEntity]]: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetPortfolioByEntityUniqueId: Get portfolio by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve the definition of a particular portfolio. If the portfolio is deleted, this will return the state of the portfolio immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the portfolio definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the portfolio definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: PortfolioEntity
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the portfolio definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the portfolio definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetPortfolioByEntityUniqueId: Get portfolio by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve the definition of a particular portfolio. If the portfolio is deleted, this will return the state of the portfolio immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the portfolio definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the portfolio definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the portfolio definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(PortfolioEntity, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_portfolio_by_entity_unique_id" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
if _params['entity_unique_id']:
_path_params['entityUniqueId'] = _params['entity_unique_id']
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('effective_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('effectiveAt', _params['effective_at']))
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
if _params.get('previews') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('previews', _params['previews']))
_collection_formats['previews'] = 'multi'
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'200': "PortfolioEntity",
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/portfolios/{entityUniqueId}', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),
async def get_portfolio_changes(self, scope : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=64, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The scope")], effective_at : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=0), Field(..., description="The effective date of the origin.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The as-at date of the origin.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ResourceListOfChange: # noqa: E501
def get_portfolio_changes(self, scope : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=64, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The scope")], effective_at : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=0), Field(..., description="The effective date of the origin.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The as-at date of the origin.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> ResourceListOfChange: # noqa: E501
def get_portfolio_changes(self, scope : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=64, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The scope")], effective_at : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=0), Field(..., description="The effective date of the origin.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The as-at date of the origin.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[ResourceListOfChange, Awaitable[ResourceListOfChange]]: # noqa: E501
"""GetPortfolioChanges: Get the next change to each portfolio in a scope. # noqa: E501
Gets the time of the next (earliest effective at) modification (correction and/or amendment) to each portfolio in a scope relative to a point in bitemporal time. Includes changes from parent portfolios in different scopes. Excludes changes from subscriptions (e.g corporate actions). # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_portfolio_changes(scope, effective_at, as_at, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param scope: The scope (required)
:type scope: str
:param effective_at: The effective date of the origin. (required)
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The as-at date of the origin.
:type as_at: datetime
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: ResourceListOfChange
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_portfolio_changes_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_portfolio_changes_with_http_info(scope, effective_at, as_at, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_portfolio_changes_with_http_info(self, scope : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=64, min_length=1), Field(..., description="The scope")], effective_at : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=256, min_length=0), Field(..., description="The effective date of the origin.")], as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The as-at date of the origin.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""GetPortfolioChanges: Get the next change to each portfolio in a scope. # noqa: E501
Gets the time of the next (earliest effective at) modification (correction and/or amendment) to each portfolio in a scope relative to a point in bitemporal time. Includes changes from parent portfolios in different scopes. Excludes changes from subscriptions (e.g corporate actions). # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_portfolio_changes_with_http_info(scope, effective_at, as_at, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param scope: The scope (required)
:type scope: str
:param effective_at: The effective date of the origin. (required)
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The as-at date of the origin.
:type as_at: datetime
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(ResourceListOfChange, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_portfolio_changes" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('scope') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('scope', _params['scope']))
if _params.get('effective_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('effectiveAt', _params['effective_at']))
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
'200': "ResourceListOfChange",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/changes/portfolios', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),
async def get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the property definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the property definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> PropertyDefinitionEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the property definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the property definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=True, **kwargs) -> PropertyDefinitionEntity: # noqa: E501
def get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the property definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the property definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, async_req: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[PropertyDefinitionEntity, Awaitable[PropertyDefinitionEntity]]: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetPropertyDefinitionByEntityUniqueId: Get property definition by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve a particular property definition. If the property definition is deleted, this will return the state of the property definition immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the property definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the property definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: PropertyDefinitionEntity
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if '_preload_content' in kwargs:
message = "Error! Please call the get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info method with `_preload_content` instead and obtain raw data from ApiResponse.raw_data" # noqa: E501
raise ValueError(message)
if async_req is not None:
kwargs['async_req'] = async_req
return self.get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
def get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(self, entity_unique_id : Annotated[constr(strict=True, max_length=36, min_length=36), Field(..., description="The universally unique identifier of the property definition.")], effective_at : Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="The effective datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.")] = None, as_at : Annotated[Optional[datetime], Field(description="The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the property definition if not specified.")] = None, previews : Annotated[Optional[conlist(StrictStr)], Field(description="The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.")] = None, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: # noqa: E501
"""[EXPERIMENTAL] GetPropertyDefinitionByEntityUniqueId: Get property definition by EntityUniqueId # noqa: E501
Retrieve a particular property definition. If the property definition is deleted, this will return the state of the property definition immediately prior to deletion. # noqa: E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id_with_http_info(entity_unique_id, effective_at, as_at, previews, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param entity_unique_id: The universally unique identifier of the property definition. (required)
:type entity_unique_id: str
:param effective_at: The effective datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified.
:type effective_at: str
:param as_at: The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the property definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the property definition if not specified.
:type as_at: datetime
:param previews: The ids of the staged modifications to be previewed in the response.
:type previews: List[str]
:param async_req: Whether to execute the request asynchronously.
:type async_req: bool, optional
:param _preload_content: if False, the ApiResponse.data will
be set to none and raw_data will store the
HTTP response body without reading/decoding.
Default is True.
:type _preload_content: bool, optional
:param _return_http_data_only: response data instead of ApiResponse
object with status code, headers, etc
:type _return_http_data_only: bool, optional
:param _request_timeout: Timeout setting. Do not use - use the opts parameter instead
:param opts: Configuration options for this request
:type opts: ConfigurationOptions, optional
:param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
request; this effectively ignores the authentication
in the spec for a single request.
:type _request_auth: dict, optional
:type _content_type: string, optional: force content-type for the request
:return: Returns the result object.
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
:rtype: tuple(PropertyDefinitionEntity, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
_params = locals()
_all_params = [
# validate the arguments
for _key, _val in _params['kwargs'].items():
if _key not in _all_params:
raise ApiTypeError(
"Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
" to method get_property_definition_by_entity_unique_id" % _key
_params[_key] = _val
del _params['kwargs']
_collection_formats = {}
# process the path parameters
_path_params = {}
if _params['entity_unique_id']:
_path_params['entityUniqueId'] = _params['entity_unique_id']
# process the query parameters
_query_params = []
if _params.get('effective_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('effectiveAt', _params['effective_at']))
if _params.get('as_at') is not None: # noqa: E501
if isinstance(_params['as_at'], datetime):
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at'].strftime(self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format)))
_query_params.append(('asAt', _params['as_at']))
if _params.get('previews') is not None: # noqa: E501
_query_params.append(('previews', _params['previews']))
_collection_formats['previews'] = 'multi'
# process the header parameters
_header_params = dict(_params.get('_headers', {}))
# process the form parameters
_form_params = []
_files = {}
# process the body parameter
_body_params = None
# set the HTTP header `Accept`
_header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
['text/plain', 'application/json', 'text/json']) # noqa: E501
# authentication setting
_auth_settings = ['oauth2'] # noqa: E501
_response_types_map = {
'200': "PropertyDefinitionEntity",
'400': "LusidValidationProblemDetails",
return self.api_client.call_api(
'/api/entities/propertydefinitions/{entityUniqueId}', 'GET',
_return_http_data_only=_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501
_preload_content=_params.get('_preload_content', True),